First America and Capgemini Docker and Kubernetes Interview questions

Interview questions

è What is docker why we are using docker  difference between vm?
è What is docker cloud & how it is different from docker hub what is the features over docker hub ?
è What is docker compose ?
è How you will link when the docker containers is in different virtual machine is there any configuration in docker compose file are any command or any variable?
è What you will do if one master got corrupted, can we create multiple masters?
è  What you will do in case any pod deleted?
è What is namespaces in kubernetes can you tell me some?
è Can you tell me some commands using in kubernetes ?
è Tell me the command to create cluster?
è Difference between rc and rs?
è What is kubernetes?
è What is the difference between kubctl & kops?
è Why you are using kubectl can you explin why we are using ?
è Why we using kops?
è What is the difference between docker cloud and docker swarm?
è How to attach a volume in cluster at some time the container will be deleted then rs will re-create new container then how to attach that container automatically and how to restore the volume automatically to re-created container?
è How many projects you used  kubernetes?
è N number of docker containers deployed to different vms how will you manage there is no kubernetes installed?
è If installed kubernetes how you will deploy this containers into kubernetes cluster?
è Can you tell me the command for creating kubernetes cluster in vm?
è How many nodes we required to create kubernetes cluster?
è We have nearly 15 nodes in my organization all are decentralized so which node I need to create as a master? Is their any possibility to make all the machines as masters?
è  Our applications are decentralized I don’t want distributed environment if any thing happens to the master all will collapse , can we create multiple masters?
è What is the difference between kubectl and minikube?
è If any container down in my cluster how you will rectify?

è How can I print shell script name?
Echo $0
è How to write a script when the first command is executed then execute the below script?
A)     Java   --version
If [ $? –eq  0 ]
Echo “print the variable ”
Echo “prin the variable”
è How to print the exact file name by using command ?
A)  First assign path as a variable 
awk -F '/' '{print $(NF-1)}' <<< "$a"
è Can you tell me the sintax for forloop and while loop?
è How to dictionary in python?
A)     Dict={a:10,b:10}
è How to add another variable c, with key 10 to the above dictionary ?
è How to replace exesting dictionary?
A)     Dict=[c:10]
è How to print shell name?
è How to assign a all the arguments to a single variable?
è How to print the current processid of current shell?
è How to know the file that is entering randomly to my script?
è How to divide two variables in shell script?
è What is trap?
è  What is  shift in shell script?
è How to run our script in background?
è How to know the running back ground process id ?
è What is $*, $$ and $@?
è How to print only directories?
è How to print the directory only started with number?
è How to grep two strings at a time?
è How to grep a string that is started with some string and ends with some string like a…..b ?
è How to print string that starts with a?
è Did you worked on arrays?
è How will you give access of your script to a particular user?
è How to access background running scripts and their pid?
è How to run our script in foreground?
